Please enter your name and a secret to uniquely identify you.
This is not an account. It is just used to identify your current session.
If you get disconnected during a game, you can use your secret to get
back in. When you "Logout", your name and secret will be forgotten by
the system. If you do not specifically logout, your name and secret will
eventually be forgotten since it is not intended to be a permanent
identification. You can use a different secret every time you access
this system.

=========================== Game Instructions ===========================


For 4 to 8 players.

How to Play


Earn the most points when scoring at the end of the game.


     The game is played over multiple rounds. Each round has 2 phases: Character
Selection and Character Turns.
    During the Character Selection phase, the Character cards (1 for each Character
in the game) are shuffled. 1 Character card is dealt face down on the table. 0-2
(depending on number of players) cards are dealt face up on the table. The face up
Characters will not be in play for this round. The remaining Character cards are
given to the player with the Crown Marker who will secretly select one of the
Characters to be for the round and passes the remaining Character cards clockwise.
Each subsequent player will have fewer and fewer Characters to choose from with
the last player getting to Choose from only 2. (In 7 and 8 player games, there will
be only 1 card left for the last player, so the last player is also give the Character
card that was dealt face down on the table.) The last player puts the Character
card he doesn't choose face down on the table. The final face down Characters
will not be in play for this round. It is important to not reveal the Character
you selected until it is your turn in the Character Turns phase.
    During the Character Turns phase, players take turns in the Character rank
order from 1 to 8 (or 9). On your turn, you start by taking 1 of 2 actions:
    A) Take 2 Gold from the bank.
    B) Draw 2 District Cards; put one in your hand and return the other to the
       bottom of the District Card draw pile.
After you take an action, you may do the following in any order:
    - Build 1 district in your city (by placing a District Card from your hand
       in front of you and paying its cost to the bank).
    - Make use of your character's special powers.
    - Make use of powers from your special districts in your city.
After all Characters have played, the round ends. If the game is not over, another
round is started. Character Selection will always start with the player who has
the Crown Marker which may be different from the previous round.

District Cards

     There are 5 types of Districts: Noble, Religious, Trade, Military, and Special. All
Districts have a name and a Gold cost to build. You may build multiple districts
of the same TYPE, but you cannot build multiple districts with the same NAME. Noble,
Religious, Trade and Military Districts provide income for their corresponding
Characters. Special Districts each have a special effect on game play or scoring
that apply once they are built in your city. The special effect goes away if the
District is destroyed. The Special Districts are described in detail later. Note
that District cards and never removed from the game, any District card that is
discarded or destroyed is returned to the bottom of the District draw pile. It is
still possible, although unlikely unless you are playing with 7 or 8 players, to run
out of District cards. If there are no District cards in the draw pile, any drawing
of District Cards is skipped. To avoid running out with 7 or 8 players, either set
the Completed City size to 7 and/or add additional Special District cards.

Game End

When a player completes his city, by building an 8th (7th in some cases) district,
the game will end at the end of that round and scoring will take place. Scoring is as
If there is a tie, the player with the largest total combined Gold cost of all
districts in his city wins. If there is still a tie, the player with the most Gold
in hand wins.


The standard game uses 8 characters, one of each rank 1-8. To play with 8 players,
you must add a character with a rank of 9. Here are the original cast of characters and
their special powers. Note: any part of a power that happens "after you take an action"
will occur automatically when you take your action (take 2 Gold OR Keep 1 of 2 District
Cards), but you will get to choose when to use the rest of your power.

Special Districts

     All of the Special Districts have some effect on game play or end scoring.
With the exception of the Keep, there is only 1 District card of each Special
District. (There are 2 Keep District cards.) The effect is applicable if the district
is built in your city, not in your hand. The effect goes away when the district is
destroyed. The standard game uses the following Special Districts:
     You can add 2-3 of the following bonus Special Districts to the District
deck before the game begins. If you want to add more than 3, you should probably swap
out some of the standard Special District cards if you are playing with less than 8

Alternative Characters

     For variety, at the beginning of the game you may swap out 1 or 2 of the
original Characters with the alternate of the same rank. Note: These characters are
not yet implemented in this game.